Stanley Royle artist
Stanley Royle artist

Stanley Royle – British Landscape artist


Stanley Royle circa 1920


This site has been constructed by Stanley Royle’s grand daughters, Lucy and Anthea Copleston, and is a personal view and biography of the artist, his life and work.

Stanley Royle, R.C.A., R.B.A., A.R.W.A., the British landscape artist (1888 -1961) was the father of Jean Royle (1915 – 2002), who was also an artist in her own right. Jean Royle’s two daughters, Lucy and Anthea Copleston have collaborated to build this site in the knowledge that their mother wished a wider public to have the opportunity of viewing her father’s paintings.

All images are copyright protected.  We have at all times endeavoured to comply with the copyright laws. Please contact us if you have a query, complaint or objection.

The Stanley Royle site is an expanding visual gallery of his known works which we currently have permission to display. The authors are always interested in further images in order to demonstrate the full breadth of Stanley Royle’s artistic achievement. Contact us at with images and information or telephone Lucy Copleston: 01745 710347.

A selection of images are available as high quality prints from The Bridgeman Art Library.